Taizhou Rexchip Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd is the manufacturer for side channel blower, which is also called regenerative blower, ring blower, air pump etc.. Our company locates in Wenling, Zhejiang, China, which is near Ningbo and Shanghai port.
We began to develop and produce the side channel blowers from ten years ago, after so many years, we have the professional and complete team, from developing, producing to sales. And each production procedure is operated in our own workshop, tooling making, die casting, stamping, high precision machining, assembling and automatic spraying, so we could control the quality, cost and delivery date better.
In 2017, we are rated as the top 100 enterprises in Wenling.(No. 51)
四、使用方法 根据水体溶氧变化的规律确定开机增氧的时间和时段。 一般4~5月份,阴雨天半夜开机。6~10月下午开机2~3小时,日出前后开机2~3小时,连续阴雨或低压天气,夜间21:00~22:00时开机,持续到第2天中午。养殖后期,勤开机促进水产养殖对象生长。有条件的进行溶氧检测。适时开机,以水体溶氧在6~8毫克/升为佳。
五、 注意事项 旋涡气泵(高压风机)设置安装时应注意通风、散热、遮阳及防淋。曝气管、盘,安装应保持在同一水平面,以利供气增氧均衡。微孔增氧设备安装结束后,应经常开机使用,防止微孔堵塞。每年养殖周期结束后,应及时清洗。由于养殖的品种、养殖的密度、养殖的面积不同旋涡气泵增氧系统管路的铺设各不相同,如果管路铺设不好 将影响增氧的效果。微孔管铺设安装应注意以下几点要求
1、应根据水面面积和形状设计管路的铺设方式。 2、按照设计要求准备好各种材料如三通、堵头、塑料线管。塑料线管尽量选择内黑外蓝以防管内生澡堵塞微孔管。 3、安装时,各管接头处要用胶或管箍密封防止漏气。4、应尽量曝气管出气量均匀一条曝气管长度好控制在20m以下铺设时末端应前端15cm左右以末端出气均匀。 5、曝气管尽量不和淤泥接触以免堵塞。 6、主机尽量安装在主管道的中间以各管道供气量相同。主机进气口附近不要有杂物以免堵塞。 7、安装完毕应进行调试。将主机打开逐根曝气管进行调试调整曝气管高度、方向直到整条微孔管曝气均匀 8、如安装调试期间旋涡风机运行半小时无持续发热安装成功,如有异样关机检查。